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Single Row Four Point Contact Ball Slewing Bearing (01) External Gear Turntable Bearing for Rotating Platform And Tower Crane

5 0 Reviews
A slewing bearing or slew[ing] ring is a rotational rolling-element bearing or plain bearing that typically supports a heavy but slow-turning or slow-oscillating load, often a horizontal platform such as a conventional crane, a swing yarder, or the wind-facing platform of a horizontal-axis windmill. (To "slew" means to turn without change of place.)
Compared to other rolling-element bearings, slewing bearings are thin in section and are often made in diameters of a metre or more; the slewing bearings on the Falkirk Wheel are 4 metres diameter and fit over a 3.5 metre axle. Slewing bearings resemble oversize aircraft control surface bearings.

Single Row Four Point Contact Ball Slewing Bearing

(01 Series) External Gear

The single row four point contact ball slewing rings is composed of two seat rings, which design in compact structure and light weight, steel ball contact with the circular raceway at four points; it can bear the axial force, radial force and the tilting moment at the same time.

It can be used for slewing conveyer, welding manipulator, light & medium duty crane, excavator, and other construction machinery.

The Thin Section Slewing Bearing has the same structure with ordinary  slewing bearing,but the weight is light,and rotate flexibly

Tytle:Single Row Ball Bearing External Gear


Strengths:The Oil nipple's location can be change according to the user's application.


1. food machinaery,

2.canning machinery  

3.environmental machinery etc.

To get drawing (pdf),please clik on Model.

No External gear Dimensions (mm) Mounting Dimensions (mm) Structural Dimension (mm) Gear data

Gear force

10^4 KN

D d H D1 D2 n Φ dm L n1 D3 d1 H1 h b x M De z N T
1 011.20.200.pdf 280 120 60 248 152 12 16 M14 28 2 201 199 50 10 40 0 3 300 98 1.5 2.1 24
2 011.20.224.pdf
304 144 60 272 176 12 16 M14 28 2 225 223 50 10 40 0 3 321 105 1.5 2.1 25
3 011.20.250.pdf 330 170 60 298 202 18 16 M14 28 2 251 249 50 10 40 0 4 352 86 2.1 2.8 30
4 011.20.280.pdf 360 200 60 328 232 18 16 M14 28 2 281 279 50 10 40 0 4 384 94 1.5 2.8 34
5 011.25.315.pdf
408 222 70 372 258 20 18 M16 32 2 316 314 60 10 50 0 5 435 85 2.9 4.4 52
6 011.25.355.pdf
448 262 70 412 298 20 18 M16 32 2 356 354 60 10 50 0 5 475 93 2.9 4.4 59
7 011.25.400.pdf
493 307 70 457 343 20 18 M16 32 2 401 399 60 10 50 0 6 528 86 3.5 5.3 69
8 011.25.450.pdf 543 357 70 507 393 20 18 M16 32 2 451 449 60 10 50 0 6 576 94 3.5 5.3 76
9 011.30.500.pdf 602 398 80 566 434 20 18 M16 32 4 501 499 498 70 10 60 0.5 5 629 123 3.7 5.2 85
012.25/30.500 6 628.8 102 4.5 6.2
10 011.30.560.pdf 662 458 80 626 494 20 18 M16 32 4 561 559 558 70 10 60 0.5 5 689 135 3.7 5.2 95
012.25/30.560 6 688.8 112 4.5 6.2
11 011.30.630.pdf 732 528 80 696 564 24 18 M16 32 4 631 629 628 70 10 60 0.5 6 772.8 126 4.5 6.2 110
012.25/30.630 8 774.4 94 6 8.3/8.2
12 011.30.710.pdf 812 608 80 776 644 24 18 M16 32 4 711 709 708 70 10 60 0.5 6 850.8 139 4.5 6.2 120
012.25/30.710 8 854.4 104 6 8.9/8.3
13 011.40.800.pdf 922 678 100 878 722 30 22 M20 40 6 801 798 90 10 80 0.5 8 966.4 118 8 11.1 220
012.30/40.800 10 968 94 10 14.1/14
14 011.40.900.pdf 1022 778 100 978 822 30 22 M20 40 6 901 898 90 10 80 0.5 8 1062.4 130 8 11.1 240
012.30/40.900 10 1068 104 10 14
15 011.40.1000.pdf 1122 878 100 1078 922 36 22 M20 40 6 1001 998 90 10 80 0.5 10 1188 116 10 14 270
012.30/40.1000 12 1185.6 96 12 16.7
16 011.40.1120.pdf 1242 998 100 1198 1042 36 22 M20 40 6 1121 1118 90 10 80 0.5 10 1298 127 10 14 300
012.30/40.1120 12 1305.6 106 12 16.7
17 011.45.1250.pdf 1390 1110 110 1337 1163 40 26 M24 48 5 1252 1248 100 10 90 0.5 12 1449.6 118 13.5 18.8 420
012.35/45.1250 14 1453.2 101 15.8 21.9
18 011.45.1400.pdf 1540 1260 110 1487 1313 40 26 M24 48 5 1402 1398 100 10 90 0.5 12 1605.6 131 13.5 18.8 480
012.35/45.1400 14 1607.2 112 15.5 21.9
19 011.45.1600.pdf 1740 1460 110 1687 1513 45 26 M24 48 5 1602 1598 100 10 90 0.5 14 1817.2 127 15.8 21.9 550
012.35/45.1600 16 1820.8 111 18.1 25
20 011.45.1800.pdf 1940 1660 110 1887 1713 45 26 M24 48 5 1801
1798 100 10 90 0.5 14 2013.2 141 15.8 21.9 610
012.35/45.1800 16 2012.8 123 18.1 25
21 011.40/60.2000 2178 1825 144 2110 1891 48 33 M30 60 8 2001
1998 132 12 120 0.5 16 2268.8 139 24.1 33.3 1100
012.40/60.2000 18 2264.4 123 27.1 37.5
22 011.40/60.2240 2418 2065 144 2350 2131 48 33 M30 60 8 2241
2238 132 12 120 0.5 16 2492.8 153 24.1 33.3 1250
012.40/60.2240 18 2498.4 136 27.1 37.5
23 011.40/60.2500 2678 2325 144 2610 2391 56 33 M30 60 8 2501
2498 132 12 120 0.5 18 2768.4 151 27.1 37.5 1400
012.40/60.2500 20 2776 136 30.1 41.8
24 011.40/60.2800 2978 2625 144 2910 2691 56 33 M30 60 8 2802 2798 132 12 120 0.5 18 3074.4 168 27.1 37.5 1600
012.40/60.2800 20 3076 151 30.1 41.8
25 011.50/75.3150 3376 2922 174 3286 3014 56 45 M42 84 8 3152 3147 162 12 150 0.5 20 3476 171 37.7 52.2 2800
012.50/75.3150 22 3471.6 155 41.5 57.4


1. n1 is the nos of lubricating holes.Oil cup M10×1JB/T7940.1~JB/T7940.2.The Oil nipple's location can be change according to the user's application.

2. n-φcan change to tapped hole,the diameter of tapped hole is M,depth is 2M.

3. The tangential tooth force in the form is the max tooth force,the nominal tangential tooth force is 1/2 of the max one.

4. "K" is addendum reduction coefficient.


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Xuzhou Wanda Slewing Bearing Co.,Ltd.
One More Choice For You!
Xuzhou Wanda Slewing Bearing Co.,Ltd.
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  丨 +86-180 2053 7858